Believe or not - this writing is fun thing to do. I am practicing this writing where x-height is not more than 3mm, which is a challenge
Believe or not - this writing is fun thing to do. I am practicing this writing where x-height is not more than 3mm, which is a challenge
lots of writing… again
Szmata means a rag.
For practice any word is good, really
Good word to practice calligraphy is word “minimum”.
Practice makes perfect - in fairness all wisdom for copperplate there is.
Possibly the best thing one can do is to write rows of letters, connected and not attempting to make them look the same. Keep all sizes, shapes connections and stuff that is. The more identical those letters are the better for your copperplate routine.
Oh Blackletter, how do I can’t get enough of you (impossible has become reality)
a quickie for today :)
Practising Blackletter and swapping nib sizes keeps me busy for time being.
Actually I consider taking any requests, so if there is something you might want me to write - let me know.
PS. the text in the photos is Desiderata (in Polish)
This writing happens to be my latest obsession
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